30 years on the market
For years, we have been representing leading manufacturers – leaders in their fields. Going through difficult political changes as a company, we have maintained the position of a reliable and trusted partner and supplier. As a result, we were the first to introduce many pioneering solutions to the Polish market.
They include e.g. the first transmission microscope in the country with an FEG emitter, the first Dual Beam system for the preparation of lamellae with an ion beam, the first (S)TEM microscopes in the country with a voltage of 300kV, the Titan series, the first cryogenic TEM KRIOS with a preparation track or the first nano-indenter for testing super thin layers. All these installations were successful and are still excellent references serving our customers.
We have received many awards from our partners for the best distributor. We have the most numerous technical service in our industry in the region, the quality of which is appreciated and used also outside Poland, which extends the accumulated experience. Our stable team of over 30 people supports a base of over 1000 installed devices.

YOU ACHIEVE, we support.
Instruments and thorough solutions for nanotechnology
Our mission is clear – to provide professional technical support, deliver best, state of the art technical solutions and high-quality equipment from market leaders and be capable to install and support this technology for its lifetime.
The Labsoft company is a team of well-trained, motivated and passionate professionals who are always eager to help customers and improve own skills. The team main commitments are to enhance customer experience, to ensure trouble-free equipment operation and to provide excellent enduser support.

Contact us!
In case of interest in cooperation or any help – please contact us directly by phone, e-mail or using the contact form.